blocked bathroom sink

21 items that should never be poured down the drain or toilet

21 items that should never be poured down the drain or toilet

Some blocked drains are out of our control, such as those caused by old, damaged pipes or tree roots that have entered a crack in the sewer line. The majority, however, can be easily avoided. Drains become blocked when foreign items get washed down the sink or toilet. While your drains may be able to keep up for a while, it's only a matter of time until they get blocked - and repairs may be costly.

Is it time to get your drains cleaned by a Sydney drain plumber?

Is it time to get your drains cleaned by a Sydney drain plumber?

Consider all the food scraps, hair, soap residue and other foreign debris that gets washed or flushed down the drain on a daily basis. These items accumulate in your plumbing pipes over time and can cause a blocked drain. Getting your drains regularly cleaned by a Sydney plumber can fix minor clogs before they turn into a major issue.

Five easy ways to prevent Sydney blocked drains caused by hair

Five easy ways to prevent Sydney blocked drains caused by hair

Did you know that hair is a major cause of blocked drains in Sydney bathrooms? While it may seem too delicate to cause serious issues for your drainage, hair can get snagged in the sewer pipes and build up causing a blockage. Here are are five simple tools that can help keep your drains free from hair, soap, and debris.

The simple way to clear a slow draining sink in your Sydney home

The simple way to clear a slow draining sink in your Sydney home

Have you ever been brushing your teeth or washing the dishes and noticed that the water is slow to drain? These kind of clogs are often minor in nature and caused by food scraps, hair or soap scum. The good news is there are simple DIY ways to clear a clogged sink so you don’t need to call in a Sydney drainage plumber.  

Which businesses are prone to blocked drains in Sydney and why?

Which businesses are prone to blocked drains in Sydney and why?

Blocked drains are a nightmare for business owners. An “out of order” blocked toilet is not only an inconvenience for customers, it’s also unpleasant on the nose and unhygienic. It’s not something you want your business to be remembered for.

Do supermarket chemical drain cleaners really work?

Do supermarket chemical drain cleaners really work?

You've found yourself in a bit of a predicament. The toilet won't flush and you have guests coming over for dinner in a couple of hours. Should you dash to the supermarket and grab some Draino or call a licensed plumber? Here's some things to consider before you flush your hard earned cash down the toilet.