6 Tips to Maintain Healthy Drains and Pipes

6 Tips to Maintain Healthy Drains and Pipes

With all the hustle and bustle of everyday life, quite often the importance of our drainage and pipe systems are overlooked. Yet when disaster strikes, having a drainage or pipe issue can quickly become your worst nightmare. That’s why we believe prevention is always the best solution.

If you’re conscious about maintaining the health of your drainage and pipe system, this is the article for you.

5 Interesting Historical Facts About Drains and Toilets

5 Interesting Historical Facts About Drains and Toilets

Knowing interesting facts about drains and toilets might not be everyone’s cup of tea... However, we find it truly fascinating to understand and reflect on how far civilisation has evolved since the initial introduction of drainage systems in ancient times.

Below are some fun facts you can spout to your friends and family on the history of drains, plumbing and toilets.

Is there a collapsed sewer pipe under your house or driveway?

Is there a collapsed sewer pipe under your house or driveway?

The job of the main sewer line in your home is to transport wastewater away from the plumbing fixtures to the Council sewer mains. The main sewer line is located underground, starting underneath the house and running out to the street where it connects to the City main. There are a number of reasons why a sewer line may collapse including deterioration due to old age, tree root intrusion or movement in the soil surrounding the pipe. If the collapsed area of pipe is located under the grassy area of your yard it can be accessed fairly easily and repaired. However, if it has collapsed underneath the house, a concrete slab, driveway or garage the rectification process is more challenging and expensive.

Is building debris blocking your drains?

Is building debris blocking your drains?

When you renovate your home, build an extension or buy a brand new home, the construction process can have a lasting impact on the plumbing infrastructure. The process of new construction or renovation creates a significant amount of waste including sawdust, nails, glue, welding slag, tilers grout, oils, grease and other construction material. If this ends up in the drain pipes it can cause major issues for your drainage.

What to do in a plumbing emergency

What to do in a plumbing emergency

Plumbing emergencies can happen at any time and when you least expect it. They often occur outside of business hours such as late at night or on the weekend. This is because the plumbing fixtures in your home are more frequently used during these hours when everyone is at home. If you’re faced with a plumbing emergency try to stay calm. Plumbing emergencies can pose a risk to your family’s health and can cause lasting water damage to your home. It’s important to remain level headed and take action fast.

Are your stormwater drains ready for the rainy season?

Are your stormwater drains ready for the rainy season?

Sydney has been blessed with above average rainfall this summer, a stark yet welcome contrast to the bushfire season last year. Storms and heavy rainfall, however, carry a different set of risks for homeowners such as falling trees, power outages and possible flooding. When stormwater drains are damaged or clogged the issue often goes undetected until a downpour causes the drains to overflow and flood the property.

Advantages of regular plumbing maintenance

Advantages of regular plumbing maintenance

We maintain our cars by having them serviced regularly. We maintain our home and gardens by mowing the lawn, removing weeds and cleaning. When it comes to our plumbing, however, most people are reactive rather than proactive. Waiting until things go wrong - as opposed to routine maintenance of the plumbing systems in your home - is both expensive and inconvenient. This article looks at the advantages of plumbing maintenance and some helpful tips on how homeowners can keep drains free from clogs.

Five benefits of CCTV drain pipe inspections

Five benefits of CCTV drain pipe inspections

CCTV pipe inspections provide valuable information for a number of stakeholders including homeowners, tenants, landlords and property managers. Plumbing cameras are the most trusted technology used to find out what is happening inside underground sewers and drains. The camera relays high-resolution, real-time footage back to a monitor where the plumber or operator can see exactly what’s causing issues with your drainage. Below is a list of the most popular reasons for booking a CCTV pipe inspection and the benefits it can provide.

How to unblock a toilet clogged with toilet paper

How to unblock a toilet clogged with toilet paper

Is your toilet clogged with toilet paper? There is nothing more anxiety-inducing than flushing the toilet and watching the water level rise in the bowl. A toilet blocked with paper is one of the most common kinds of toilet clogs. It’s easy to accidentally block the toilet by using too much toilet paper in a single sitting. It can get jammed in the S-bend leading to a clog. If you use expensive, three or four-ply toilet paper it’s more likely that this will clog the toilet as it doesn’t disintegrate as easily as thinner brands. Thankfully, a toilet that’s blocked with toilet paper is one of the quickest and simplest types of clogs to fix without having to hire a plumber.

Four essential drain cleaning tools used by plumbers

Four essential drain cleaning tools used by plumbers

Technology is ever-changing and the plumbing industry is no exception. The arsenal of tools that licensed plumbers use to clean drains has improved exponentially in recent years. If there is a blocked drain on your property, you will want to hire a plumber who owns the correct tools. These tools enable plumbers to diagnose drainage issues and remedy them in the quickest and most effective manner.

Seven ways to prevent a holiday season clogged drain disaster!

Seven ways to prevent a holiday season clogged drain disaster!

As the holiday season ramps up so do the number of clogged drains. This is because people are spending more time at home, there are extra family members or guests coming to stay and the plumbing fixtures are in high demand. Lavish meals are lovingly prepared and consumed meaning lots of greasy dishes. When you’re enjoying the end-of-year break, the last thing you need is a clogged drain or overflowing toilet. Below are some useful tips on preventing a clogged drain disaster this holiday season.

How to avoid a visit from an emergency plumber

How to avoid a visit from an emergency plumber

Plumbing emergencies don’t wait for business hours. They happen at the most inconvenient times such as late at night or when you’re hosting a party on the weekend. Plumbing emergencies pose a real and imminent threat to your home and your family. No-one plans for a plumbing emergency. But most people don’t plan to prevent them either. With a little care, regular maintenance and mindfulness you could avoid an expensive, late-night visit from an emergency plumber.

Why plumbers are worth every penny

Why plumbers are worth every penny

Plumbing services can be expensive. No-one wants to hear that it’s going to cost $6000 to replace the crumbling, tree-infested clay pipes buried in the backyard. While people are content to spend money getting their car serviced, teeth whitened or dog groomed, when it comes to paying a plumber’s call-out fee and an hourly rate of $75 to $150 people are astounded. Despite popular misconceptions, plumbers aren't out to rip off the public. They provide a public health service ensuring that we have a clean water supply and sanitary living conditions.

Difference between private and public sewer systems

Difference between private and public sewer systems

Blocked drains can occur in both private wastewater (sewer) systems and public wastewater systems. Landowners are responsible for maintaining private wastewater systems, while Sydney Water is responsible for the public sewer system. Things can get confusing when a blockage in the public wastewater system causes problem for a private landowner. This blog post explains the difference between public and private sewer systems and outlines the process whereby expenses can be claimed when a private landowner has incurred a loss caused by a public clog.

Drains explained: Common causes of clogged drains in your home

Drains explained: Common causes of clogged drains in your home

Even though we use them everyday, the average person gives little thought to the drains in their home. It’s only when a plumbing fixture stops working that people turn their attention to their home’s plumbing system. Taking time to learn more about your drains is beneficial because it can help prevent blockages from occurring. This blog post explains the main drains throughout the home and the most common causes of blockages.